JUNE 24, 2005 – Sorry Karl boy, but now there is actually a place - The Moderate Independent - where a real, actual liberal gets to say what liberals believe, not fake liberals or "progressives" or lying right-wing scum like you.
So, to correct the truly deranged, completely inaccurate dribble you spewed about what liberals wanted to do in response to 9/11, let me straighten a few things out for you.
While in your sick little world where the fictional liberals you beat down everyday are little wusses afraid to stand up to anything, real liberals like myself are the ones who were working to prevent 9/11 to begin with by trying to stop people like Bush, Sr. from doing things like arming Saddam in the first place, from working with butchers like Osama bin Laden in the first place, from participating in covert actions that kill innocent people abroad and come back to bite America in the ass by killing innocent Americans down the road.
We tell you not to be killing people in Colombia right now. We tell you not to be trying to overthrow governments in Central America.
We want criminals like John Negroponte held accountable - not with therapy, but with punishment - for the thousands of deaths and torture stories they are accountable for.
We want idiots like you to get the fact that your stupid little ideology is completely flawed, that your, "They don't understand what needs to be done," rhetoric is bullshit, and that it is you moronic conservatives that keep creating the problems that you then say we need more of the same stupid policies to fix.
In reality, we know your ultimate goal is to never have peace, to have constant war. After the Cold War, all you could talk about was, "What will be the next Cold War," because you are all so cowardly you can't face yourselves or your lives but instead need, at all times, someone to hate and blame. It doesn't matter who and there doesn't have to be any fact or logic behind it. Tell a conservative to hate the French, they hate the French. Hate the Chinese, they hate the Chinese. Arabs? Fine. Indians? Sure. Mexicans? Why not. The Dixie Chicks? Of course, if you say so. Hate on command. All that is required is a constant target of hate.
And so today, in desperation, with all of your ideologies having been proven flawed, be it your stupid economic lying scheme that said we have to give lots of money to rich people in order to help us all, or your stupid war scheme that really believed the Iraqis would "greet us with flowers" and that the oil there would pay for the war and rebuilding, you turned again to making dumb conservatives hate the fake version of liberal that only exists in your mind..
Today, Americans can plainly see all of your stupid right-wing schemes are just bogus games to turn America into what you have helped create all throughout South and Central America, nations of a permanent wealthy, ruling class and a powerless, desperate underclass; a propaganda-machine-fed society. And so you trotted out, in utter desperation, your fictional version of what a liberal is. You claimed that we, on 9/11, simply wanted to sit down a give therapy to those responsible for the attacks, to issue a few indictments.
No Karl, on 9/11, we wanted the wholesale rounding up and cruelest of punishments for those responsible - except we really wanted it for those who armed and trained Osama in the art of terrorism to begin with, with those we built up Saddam and then were involved in the mess that led to the first Gulf War, and for all of this bullshit that led directly to 9/11. From Eisenhower deciding to overthrow the government of Iran back in the fifties right up until September 11, 2001, the idiotic conservatives of our nation have been playing illegal, covert games that our nation has been paying the price for again and again.
And on 9/11, only we liberals had the balls to want the heads of those truly responsible, and to want to take the only actions that actually could prevent future 9/11's from occurring.
The Bushes armed and trained Osama, the Bushes were friends with bin Laden's and Saudis, many in previous administrations have been criminally involved in covert actions that our nation has been paying for and will continue to pay for for years to come.
While cowardly, deranged conservatives took their orders to hate on command without question as always and allow you morons to again make things worse, only we liberals - and there were but a handful of us, just check the Iraq War vote - had the balls to face the truth. The problem was not in Iraq. The problem was in the White House, in Texas, in the CIA.
Sounding familiar? Oh yeah, this is what actual liberals say, Karl boy.
Conservatives like to pretend they are Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, saying that liberals, "...can't handle the truth." In fact, the whole world knows it is only American conservatives who can't handle the truth. Every sheep farmer in every hill of the most remote part of the most remote nation and every person in every city of every nation knows what you - the biggest pussies on the planet - American conservatives don't have the balls to face: 9/11 rests on your hands.
And while we were saying butchers like Osama should be punished from the beginning, you were saying, "No, he is just misunderstand, let us work with him, we can coach him to come around." Yes, it was you who thought therapy would work with Osama.
And you thought it would work with the Butcher of Baghdad. We said, "Don't give that murderer chemical weapons, don't have anything to do with him." You said, "No, we can coach him, we can steer him in a more positive direction."
So cry, and attack your fake wussy version of liberal which really doesn't exist. We know it is because you can't face yourself or reality and the fact that you are directly responsible for the deaths of those 3,000+ Americans on 9/11. You and your clearly mentally incompetent puppet leader who lives in the White House - yes, go back and watch the tape of the first debate against Kerry; that was reality - the man is undeniably a mental defective.
So there is the simple truth, Karl. I know you can't handle it. So call your names and attack your fake liberal stereotype and issue your threats, keeping up the media's game of deeming anything an actual liberal says as an attack on America - while the actual attacks on America come as a result of your actions and our words seek only to protect and defend our nation against the assaults you bring.
Make your attacks, but make no mistake: we real liberals have never been tricked by your attempts to throw blame here or there, we have never taken our eyes off the real criminals for even a single instant, and we never will until justice comes around. Because we love America, and have the actual courage to stand up in defense of our nation, while you destroy it to keep up your wall of cowardice.
As for Osama - I think, personally, we should have nuked Afghanistan for not being willing to turn him over. But you cowardly conservatives would never do something like that - that would be a solution, when all you really want is perpetual war so you can have a focus for your perpetual need to hate so as to avoid dealing with yourselves and reality.