Image hosted by KARL ROVE - PUPPETMASTER: AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: Newsweek: Rove as source revealed

Sunday, July 10, 2005

AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: Newsweek: Rove as source revealed

AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: Newsweek: Rove as source revealedNewsweek: Rove as source revealed

Posted by Deanna Zandt at 8:13 AM on July 10, 2005.

Yep, Rove's our guy. Now let's nail him. Blog Tools

David Corn reports this morning that Newsweek has obtained a copy of emails sent from Matt Cooper to his editor revealing that Karl Rove is the source of the Plame leak. "There now is clear-cut evidence that Rove was involved in--if not the chief architect of--the actions that led to the outing of Plame/Wilson. If he's not in severe legal trouble, he ought to be in political peril," he says, and in another post, explains the full ramifications. (David Corn)

Deanna Zandt is a media, message and web design consultant, as well as a political arts activist in New York.

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